Early Childhood Education
The Early Childhood program at Operation Breakthrough is accredited by the Missouri Accreditation of Programs for Children and Youth. It provides hands-on-learning experiences, supportive teacher interactions and language-rich environments for 404 children between the ages of 6 weeks to 5 years of age. Developmentally appropriate programming in our 31 classrooms, MakerSpace and SmartLab is guided by Head Start with the goal of preparing children for success in school. The Early Childhood program operates weekdays from 7 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. to enable parents to work full time and support their families. Schedule an appointment to fill out an application with the Mid-America Regional Council (MARC) to determine eligibility in Early Head Start or Head Start Services. Call 816-841-3382 or send an email to marcheadstart@marc.org.

Early Education Partnership Classrooms
We have an ongoing partnership with Hogan, Lee A. Tolbert, Citizens of the World, and the Kansas City Public Schools. We offer 7 preschool classrooms for 4 yr. olds who will be transitioning to kindergarten at one of the above schools the following year. The preschool classrooms are held on site at Operation Breakthrough.
To enroll online for Hogan, Lee A. Tolbert or Citizens of the World preschools,
go to www.schoolappkc.org. To enroll online for KCPS preschool, go to www.enrollkc.org or go in person to the Board of Education at 2901 Troost Ave., KCMO 64109
After you have applied, please call 816-756-3511 and ask for partnership enrollmet, to let them know you have completed the process.

Operation Breakthrough provides a before/after school enrichment programming for 300 children, grades Kindergarten through 8th grade. In our Summer Enrichment Program, children will have 7-1/2 hours of instruction (8 - 3:30) which includes reading, writing, science, STEM, art, music, and PE. Through our talent exploration program, children get the chance to develop their talents in special interest areas such as tennis, computers, dance, choir, soccer and art.

The Ignition Lab
The Ignition Lab is a workforce development program where 300 students ages 14 to 18 spend time each week getting real-world experience in fields such as graphic design, mechatronics, green tech, computer technloogy, fabrication, product design, automotive engineering, culinary arts, digital media and podcasting.
The lab opened in Fall 2021 in an old muffler shop purchased for the project by Eighty-Seven and Running.
Learn more here
Operation Breakthrough is home to a SmartLab for our preschool children. The SmartLab features fully integrated systems of hardware, software, furnishings, online curriculum, educational kits, manipulatives and assessment tools. This allows students to engage with a wide range of activities like robotics, electronics or even graphic arts.

Operation Breakthrough's MakerSpace promotes personalized learning through the use of real materials to tinker, problem solve, collaborate and create. Over 280 children have the opportunity to engage with the MakerSpace's six different zones each week. The six zones include textiles, construction/toy hacking, studio arts, chef's corner, the green screen and code world/robotics. These areas provide a creative outlet as well as opportunities to practice problem solving.

Outdoor Classroom
The Outdoor Classroom was developed to connect our urban core children to the natural world. Classroom areas include flower and vegetable gardens, a wind area, composting space, a small orchard of fruit bearing trees, and a dramatc play area. There is also a mark making shed that hourses creative materials and gardening tools that enhance their exploration. There are opportunities for children of all ages to harvest fruits and vegetables, explore animal and insect life, observe the elements and experience the outdoors.