- Our children are full of potential. With the right start, they can become the lawyer who fights for what's right or the doctor who saves the day. They can be contributors to our community. Together, we can give them the boost they need to get there.

Financial Support
Your support helps make Operation Breakthrough possible! $10 will buy a book for our library. $20 will buy new shoes for a child. Learn more about how your generosity can help us meet our families' needs!
Learn More

Item Donations
Operation Breakthrough is always in need of new and used goods for our children and their families. Small donations, such as children's clothing and housewares, can be dropped off at the dock behind Corita's Place on Harrison between 9 - 5:30.
Donate Now
Get Involved
The Operation Breakthrough Volunteer Department strives to provide a fulfilling and enjoyable experience for volunteers while meeting the needs of our agency and staff within. Volunteers are expected to support our mission of helping children develop to their fullest potential by providing them a safe, loving and educational environment and to empower our children’s families through advocacy, referral services and emergency aid.
Volunteer Opportunities

Operation Breakthrough's goal is to raise funds for the benefit of the children and families it serves in a manner consistent with their Mission and Values: The mission of Operation Breakthrough is to provide a safe, loving and educational environment. The center also strives to support and empower the children's families through advocacy, referral services and emergency aid.
Fundraising Opportunities
Summer Enrichment Program
In our Summer Enrichment Program, children spend mornings reading and writing with certified teachers, leaving the afternoons for exploring! With your support, we give children the chance to stretch their legs and their horizons. They'll be learning new skills – swimming, African dance and drumming, acting and gymnastics. They'll be going on field trips and trying their hands at art, science experiments and community service.
Learn More

OB Netwok
The OB Network is a civic-minded social group of Kansas City professionals invested in Operation Breakthrough’s mission to help children and families living in poverty develop their full potential.
Learn More
Greeting Cards
Operation Breakthrough has greeting cards available for purchase that features our children's original artwork. We have a variety of card assortments available in holiday and all-occasion cards, along with gift bags featuring the children's holiday or all-occasion designs.
See Card Selection

Christmas Program
For more than two decades, with huge support from the community, the staff at Operation Breakthrough has provided Christmas gifts and holiday meals to families in need in the central city.
Learn More
Planned Giving
Planning your giving can be good for your family - and for the Operation Breakthrough families too. You can set up future gifts to help our children that cost you nothing during your lifetime.

Circle of Friendship
Membership at any level you will allow you to receive invitations to special "Circle of Friendship" gatherings and a listing in the "Friends" directory to be printed this fall and distributed to all members. We'll send you information about our events and let you know of volunteer opportunities should you decide you would like to spend some time with us, as well. You'll receive a standing invitation to tour Operation Breakthrough and bring your friends and family to meet the children – the best way to help the children's circle of friends grow wider and wider.
Come Join Us