We are grateful for the following sponsors for this year's event!
Big Dreams Sponsors
Burns & McDonnell Foundation, Children's Mercy Hospitals, Commerce Bank, Country Club Bank, Kansas City Life Insurance Company, Marsh & McLennan Agency, Midwest Trust Company, Netsmart, Shook, Hardy & Bacon, Turner Construction Company, Pam and Mark Ungashick
Bright Futures Table Hosts
Arvest Bank,
Ellen and Lee Baty,
BHC Rhodes,
Steve and Suzy Block,
Block Real Estate Services,
Central Bank of Kansas City,
Carol and Allan Hallquist,
Helzberg Diamonds,
Wendy and Brad Hill,
Jeanne and Dave Hokanson,
Jolie Justus and Luciana Bardwell,
KC Human Rights Commission,
MC Realty Group,
Meridian Title Company,
Barbara Mueth and Steven Rinne,
Monica Murdock,
NCM Associates,
Andrew and Kay Parkinson,
Fred and Gigi Perry,
Michael and Usha Rafferty,
Risk Strategies/Thomas McGee Group,
Chris and Penny Smith,
Mary and Don Ungashick Smith,
Chris and Penny Lindemann Smith,
John and Debbie Starr,
Mike and Jana Thomas,
Cindy and Dan Wetmore