2024 Big Dreams - Bright Futures Annual Event

Thank you, Friends!
The days ahead look even brighter for the children of Operation Breakthrough after our 26th annual "Big Dreams, Bright Futures" fundraiser. It was definitely a night for "punching holes in the dark" as Rev. Adam Hamilton said from the stage. He and his wife, LaVon, were honorary co-chairs for the dinner and auction, which raised more than $1 million for our students' care and education.
Emcee Alesia McFadden expressed her appreciation for the OB family. "I was a very happy child at Operation Breakthrough!" said Alesia, who just finished her freshman year at Vanderbilt after graduating high school as valedictorian last spring. "They gave me skills I still use today. They help kids understand the greatness that they can become."
Our teen filmmakers showed their skills by premiering two new videos - a one-minute overview, "Opportunity" and our 2024 agency video, "We Are OB!" You're invited to watch both by clicking on the video titles above.
We thank you all for bringing light into the lives of the 772 children currently enrolled and the hundreds of other students who come for hand-on STEM each school day at 31st and Troost. They shine when you care!

See the sponsors who helped to make this event so successful!
We couldn't do this without you and we appreciate your support! Click here to see all of this year's sponsors!